Frequently Asked Questions

Does allow interaction with course educators or other student clients?

The material provided online for each course is complete. There is no provision for interactivity.

Does the course include audio or video or streamed material?

The downloadable material for each course is entirely in print form (pdf format).

If I want to improve my examination performance, can I retake the examination?

Within the 90 day period you can retake the examination up to two more times after the first attempt. After each examination your result will be calculated directly. At this stage you will be asked whether you would like another attempt. You can retake the examination at any time prior to the 90 day expiry from the time you initially registered on the course.

What format is the examination ?

The examination for each course has 30 multiple choice questions, which must be answered online within 2 hours.

How will the mark/grade obtained on the examination be reported on the certificate?

The following mark/grading scheme is used:

80% and above => A+
70% to 79% => A
65% to 69% => A-
60% to 64% => B+
50% to 59% => B
48% to 49% => B-
42% to 47% => C+
36% to 41% => C
34% to 35% => C-
33% and below => F

What is the cost of an examination retake?

Each examination retake will cost US$ 400 within the 90 day period from first registration. After the 90 day period you will need to register as a new student at the full cost fee.

If I retake an examination, which mark and grade will report on my certificate or to a third party?

Only the latest examination score will be provided on your certificate and reported to a third party. will not keep a record of any prior examination attempts.

How do I arrange for my examination grade and mark to be communicated to an institution?

Please write to us using the the contact form confirming the institution and the email where you would like us to send you grade and mark to. Or you can ask the institution to write to us direct at to request your grade and mark.

What if I have problems downloading the files for a course?

Contact us through the contact form and explain the problem.

What if I am unable to make the payment online?

Contact us through the contact form.

What if I have a question not answered above?

Contact us through the contact form with your question.

What are's terms and conditions for providing the service?

Please see our terms of use.